What does «pajazo» mean in Spanish?
- A scar-like stain on the transparent cornea of horses that is attributed to a blow with stubble canes.
- Masturbation.
- Easy, uncomplicated.
♦ Used in: Venezuela
Examples of use in Spanish: "el examen fue un pajazo".
- (echar un pajazo) Ratting someone out.
♦ Used in: Venezuela - (pajazo mental) An idea or statement of a speculative or theoretical nature with no practical purpose other than to give pleasure to the person to whom it occurred.
♦ Used in: Colombia - (pajazo mental) Complicated, absurd and overly personal lucubration that only the one who makes it understands it.
♦ Used in: Spain
Examples of use in Spanish: "todo lo que has dicho no son sino pajazos mentales".