What does «nublado» mean in Spanish?
- Occultation of the sky by clouds.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El cielo se encuentra nublado".
- Obscured, affected or tarnished something, whether material or immaterial.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Por definición una persona «drogada» tiene la conciencia disminuida, el juicio nublado y la voluntad anulada." - El gran mandala, Alan Watts - 1992.
- Crowd.
- In Meteorology, dark cloud, especially related to storms.
- (bosque nublado) That forest affected or influenced by the presence of clouds or fog.
- (descargar el nublado) Heavy rain, snow or hail.
- (día nublado) One where the sky is covered by clouds, generally with the possibility of precipitation.
- (juicio nublado) When a person's judgment is affected for any reason.