What does «No proliferación» mean in Spanish?
- Nonproliferation is an aspect of arms control that focuses on the diffusion of technology and materials from recognized possessor nations to national and non-national actors who do not have them. It is not limited to concern for weapons of mass destruction, as certain conventional weapons, such as man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), can be an important force multiplier. Conventional weapons include precision-guided munitions. MANPADS, for example, are a major threat to civil aviation if they are in the hands of terrorists. Serious work is being done to provide protection for MANPADS on aircraft and airports. Anti-personnel landmines are another weapon of concern, which are subject to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. Some cluster munitions are increasingly considered equivalent to landmines. The means of delivery are as important as the weapons of mass destruction themselves. In retrospect, it appears that Saddam Hussein put his WMD program on hold until he could develop ballistic or cruise missiles of appreciable range; tactical ballistic missiles and UAVs were the only prohibited weapons found by the inspectors.