11 sentences with 'increasingly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word increasingly and other words derived from it.

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« Organic food is increasingly popular among young people. »

increasingly: Organic food is increasingly popular among young people.
« Today's society is increasingly interested in technology. »

increasingly: Today's society is increasingly interested in technology.
« Biometrics is an increasingly used tool in computer security. »

increasingly: Biometrics is an increasingly used tool in computer security.
« The divide between the rich and the poor is becoming increasingly larger in our country. »

increasingly: The divide between the rich and the poor is becoming increasingly larger in our country.
« Creativity is an essential skill in an increasingly changing and competitive world, and it can be developed through constant practice. »

increasingly: Creativity is an essential skill in an increasingly changing and competitive world, and it can be developed through constant practice.
« By the 1920s Ford was becoming increasingly arbitrary. »
« During the third millennium BC, chariots became increasingly important in warfare. »
« Lack of expectations and frustration were increasingly taking over the lives of young people. »
« Experience has shown that an increasingly prosperous middle class demands greater participation in politics. »
« This activity induces an increasingly intense positive charge immediately below, at the Earth's surface, which the negative lower part of the cloud finds irresistible. The base of the cloud eventually accumulates an enormous potential of 100 million volts, enough to cause an electrical discharge. »
« In a society where physical appearance is more important than health, it is increasingly difficult to reconcile the "ideal" image with reality, and many young people undergo irrational weight loss programmes. This can lead to anorexia / bulimia syndrome, diseases that lead to extreme metabolic and psychological imbalance. »

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