10 sentences with 'increased'

Example sentences and phrases with the word increased and other words derived from it.

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« The lack of employment has increased poverty. »

increased: The lack of employment has increased poverty.
« Air traffic has increased significantly in recent years. »

increased: Air traffic has increased significantly in recent years.
« The river's flow increased exponentially due to the heavy rains. »

increased: The river's flow increased exponentially due to the heavy rains.
« Edsel's situation worsened as Harry Bennett's power increased. »
« By the end of 1995, police strength had increased from 3900 to 5200. »
« The increased prostate volume, he replied, could slow the patient's recovery. »
« Marijuana users report increased relaxation and heightened sensory stimuli and self-confidence. »
« Since then, criminal prosecutions have increased from 40 to more than 2,800 a year, and violent crime has dropped by a third. »
« In addition, smokers experience increased cholesterol levels, as well as degeneration of lung tissue and damage to the enzymes that help the heart to function properly. »
« According to Hahnemann, this medical procedure increased the body's healing capacity. A new principle was established: like cures like. Hence the word homeopathy (from the Greek homeo, similar, and pathos, ailment, suffering). »

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