What does «moza» mean in Spanish?
- Young girl.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en mis años de moza fui muy bonita".
- Single.
Examples of use in Spanish: "mi hermana está moza".
- Maid, servant for minor tasks.
- Washerwomen's shovel used to hit the clothes, especially the thick ones, to wash them better.
- In certain games, last hand.
- A piece of the trivets, shaped like a fork, on which the handle of the frying pan is secured.
- Last dance or song at a party or gathering.
♦ Used in: Chile - A woman who serves customers in a bar or restaurant; waitress.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay
Examples of use in Spanish: "déjale propina a la moza, nos atendió muy bien".
- Concubine or wife of an engaged man.
Examples of use in Spanish: "aquella es la moza de Juan".
- (buena moza o real Moza) Woman of good presence and elegance.
- (moza de cámara) A maid who served in the duties of a household inferior to that of a maid.
- (moza de cántaro) Maid who brought water to the house, among other domestic chores.
- (moza de fortuna, o moza del partido) Prostitute.