What does «menester» mean in Spanish?
- Need or lack of a thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es menester conseguir ese dinero".
- Employment, exercise, occupation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "atender a sus menesteres".
"en este momento está ocupado en sus menesteres".
"su menester es la jardinería".
"debo salir para un menester, regreso pronto".
- (menesteres) Body needs specific to nature, especially the evacuation of excrement.
Examples of use in Spanish: "fue a hacer sus menesteres".
- (menesteres) Things necessary for a job or some purpose; utensils.
Examples of use in Spanish: "menesteres de labranza"; "menesteres de cocina".
- (menesteres) Duties.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no están capacitados para esos menesteres".
- (haber menester una cosa) To need, to lack that thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Adquieren sus fondos con estas mercancías y compran lo que han menester con ellos", Cardoza Guatemala [Guat. 1985].
- (ser menester) To be precise about a thing or to have need of it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es menester hacerlo urgente"; "cuando sea menester"; "ya no son menester más pruebas".
- (no haber uno menester andadores) Not needing the help of others.
- (todo es menester) Everything is welcome.
- (todo es menester: migar y sorber) A saying that indicates that in order to achieve what one is trying to achieve, it is necessary to omit nothing, even if it seems of little use.
- (compra lo que no has menester, y venderás lo que no podrás excusar) A saying that reprimands superfluous expenses.
- (ser menester la cruz y los ciriales) Many steps are necessary to achieve something.
- (ser menester tenazas) A phrase used to describe how difficult it is to get something from a person.