What does «megalítico» mean in Spanish?
- Describes prehistoric constructions made with large blocks of unhewn stone (megaliths). These constructions were made by interlocking, without mortar or cement. They had a religious function mainly, but also as a territory marker and, in some cases, as a burial site. The term megalithic is applied to various types of constructions in different parts of the world and at different times. Among the best known megaliths are dolmens, menhirs and cromlechs.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los dólmenes y los menhires son monumentos megalíticos".
"Stonehenge es uno de los monumentos megalíticos más enigmático del mundo".
"La necrópolis megalítica La Lentejuela es un complejo formado por al menos nueve estructuras funerarias".
"los científicos han datado este monumento megalítico entre los 10.000 y 30.000 años de antigüedad".