What does «literal» mean in Spanish?
- According to the strict meaning of the text; according to the primary or strict meaning of the word or words; not figurative or metaphorical.
Examples of use in Spanish: "copia literal".
"necesitarás mostrar algo más que una comprensión literal del texto".
- A translation in which the original is respected to the letter. The literal translation of a text is done by translating each word separately, without looking at how the words are used together in a phrase or sentence.
Examples of use in Spanish: "su traducción es demasiado literal, lo que resulta en una prosa que no suena natural".
- True to the facts; not exaggerated or inaccurate. Real or factual.
Examples of use in Spanish: "una descripción literal de las condiciones".
- (ceguera literal) Verbal blindness or abolition of the ability to read the letters of the alphabet.