7 sentences with 'primary'

Example sentences and phrases with the word primary and other words derived from it.

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« Thus, from primary school to university, physical activity is part of the student's life. »
« Sex is for them the primary form of giving, a way to offer themselves physically and emotionally. »
« Free radicals are the primary means by which radiation damages malignant and healthy tissues, and by which drugs, carcinogens and other toxic agents exert their effects. »
« In other words, the whole intellectual world of Greek and Roman philosophy, literature, science, etc. did not necessarily relate to the Church's primary task of saving souls. »
« In the same way, the Greeks were the first to systematically employ the essential historical method of using the primary sources written or experienced at the time as the basis of historical research. »
« This use of primary sources remains the defining characteristic of history as an academic discipline: professional historians must seek out writings and artefacts from their areas of study and use them as the basis for their own interpretations. »
« One Prussian recalled being taught, presumably in a church-run primary schools, that "the king could cut off the noses and ears of all his subjects if he so wished, and that we owed it to his goodness and his gentle disposition that we were left in possession of these necessary organs. »

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