What does «grosura» mean in Spanish?
- Fatty or buttery substance.
Examples of use in Spanish: "te sugiero colar el caldo para así retirar la grosura".
- Unctuous and thick juice.
- Extremities, offal and fat of animals.
Examples of use in Spanish: "a los israelitas se les prohibió comer la grosura de los animales porque «toda la grosura es de Jehová»".
"Abel ofreció a Dios la grosura de los primogénitos de sus ovejas" (Génesis 4:4 ; cp. Números 18:17).
"Por la ley mosaica, toda la grosura de los animales sacrificados pertenece a Jehová".
- In Religion, used figuratively in religious writings as material prosperity and personal blessings.
- In typology, the fat represents the inner energy of the Lord Jesus in his offering of himself to God.
- Thickness of something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "las papas se deben hervir dependiendo de su grosura".
- (día de grosura) Sabbath day when there was license to eat the fat of animals after Friday abstinence.