What does «friccionar» mean in Spanish?
- Giving friction.
- Bringing two surfaces into contact rapidly and repeatedly, producing friction between them.
- Rubbing a part of the body, usually with the hands, to relieve pain or warm it.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Debes friccionar las manos para darles calor".
"Por las mañanas puedes friccionar la zona lumbar usando este aceite para calmar el dolor".
- To scrub, to scrub.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Se fricciona la loción en su rostro para luego afeitarse."
- When there are many physical or verbal clashes between people. Used especially in sports when referring to the physical.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Será un juego tenso, friccionado, con pocos espacios y poco tiempo para pensar bien".
"Ha cambiado mucho el fútbol argentino, se hizo muy friccionado".