7 sentences with 'repeatedly'

Example sentences and phrases with the word repeatedly and other words derived from it.

« For some time the little girl repeatedly dreamed that a train with mammoth jaws was chasing her. »
« The Spartans and their allies repeatedly invaded Athenian territory, but the Athenians were smart enough to build strong fortifications that kept the Spartans at bay. »
« Macedonia was also surrounded by nomadic peoples to the north, particularly the Thracians (from present-day Bulgaria), who repeatedly invaded and had to be repelled. »
« Hannibal defeated the Romans repeatedly with ingenious tactics: he lured them across icy rivers and ambushed them, hid an entire army in fog one morning and then pounced on a Roman legion, and drove the Romans into narrow passes and massacred them. »
« Not only was Constantinople impregnable to invaders, but its population of proud Romans repeatedly massacred barbarians trying to seize power, and deposed unpopular emperors who tried to rule as military tyrants rather than true emperors possessing sufficient Roman "virtue". »
« Byzantine priests repeatedly warned their congregations to repent of their sins, for it was sin that was undermining the survival of the empire. »
« Colbert, the architect of the much more efficient tax systems, repeatedly warned Louis XIV that these wars were financially unsustainable; Louis simply ignored the question of whether he had enough money to wage them. »

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