What does «extrajudicial» mean in Spanish?
- That which is done or dealt with outside of the judicial process.
Examples of use in Spanish: "procedimiento extrajudicial".
"una de las partes rechazó el arreglo extrajudicial, por lo que se iniciará el juicio correspondiente".
"lo ideal sería llegar a un acuerdo extrajudicial, las costas del juicio serán elevadísimas".
"un acuerdo económico extrajudicial".
- (ejecución extrajudicial) Deliberate homicide by a public servant relying on the power of a State to justify the crime. It constitutes a flagrant violation of human rights and international conventions.
Examples of use in Spanish: "dos militares fueron procesados por supuesta ejecución extrajudicial".
- (pena extrajudicial) That punishment applied to an alleged offender, without carrying out the legal process or court corresponding to the laws. These penalties are common in repressive regimes.