Sentences with 'repressive'

Example sentences and phrases with the word repressive and other words derived from it.

« The one area in which Spartan society was less repressive than the rest of the Greek polis was in gender roles. »
« Most of the women who joined the new feminist movement were inspired by the broader anti-establishment counterculture described above, but they came to feminism in part because most male "rebels" were as sexist and repressive as the conservative politicians they detested (for example, women at meetings of self-proclaimed revolutionaries were expected to do the dishes and clean up after the men). »
« In the Declaration and Resolutions, adopted on 14 October, the colonists demanded the repeal of all repressive laws passed since 1773 and agreed to a covenant of non-importation, non-exportation and non-consumption against all British goods until the laws were repealed. » - 1998 - 2022