What does «explanada» mean in Spanish?
- Open, flat or level ground space, which may be paved or grassed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "esta explanada es un buen lugar para acampar".
- Level space for walking or driving, especially at the seashore or lakeshore.
Examples of use in Spanish: "nuestro hotel se encuentra en la explanada y tiene vistas al mar".
- Flat, uncovered land of a certain extension, located in front of a fortification or a building.
- In Fortifications, an open area in front of a fortified place, where attackers are exposed to fire from defenders.
- Highest part of the wall.
- In Militia, a wooden frame or platform where the artillery battery is placed.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en la antigüedad las explanadas eran verdaderos entarimados con resistencia proporcional a la batería".
- (cresta de la explanada) The highest end of the esplanade, which is the parapet of the covered road.