What does «estratificar» mean in Spanish?
- In geology, to strata a terrain, that is, when the materials of the earth's crust are stratified or layered. This geologic process is studied by stratigraphy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "La roca fue estratificada por la fuerza del agua".
- To arrange or organize things in layers.
Examples of use in Spanish: "ciudades socialmente estratificadas".
- To arrange, classify or divide into classes or groups. For example, socioeconomic stratification.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estratificando a los pacientes en grupos de riesgo bien definidos".
"La sociedad se estratifica cuando la brecha de ingresos se amplía".
- In botany, natural or artificial process to which a seed is subjected so that it can germinate. In nature, it is used to germinate the seed at the right time. This process is achieved artificially by subjecting the seeds to certain temperatures and humidities that simulate the conditions of their natural habitat.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estratificar las semillas".
"las semillas de esta planta se deben estratificar dos meses a 21ºC y luego tres meses en frío".
"las semillas de rosas estratificadas en noviembre pueden sembrarse al aire libre".