What does «esporulación» mean in Spanish?
- Asexual reproduction by both spores and endospores. It is a form of cell reproduction by division of the mother cell into several daughter cells that remain free when the membrane of the primitive cell is ruptured. These daughter cells are called spores, which are strong structures protected by a thick envelope to resist unfavorable environmental conditions. Sporulation occurs in fungi, plants and bacteria. In animals meiosis produces gametes, but in plants and fungi it produces spores instead.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el hongo del pan Neurospora crassa y la bacteria Bacillus subtilis suelen emplearse en los laboratorio como organismos modelo para estudiar la esporulación".
"la esporulación puede verse favorecida o desencadenada por circunstancias medioambientales adversas, por ejemplo, falta de disponibilidad de nutrientes o de luz".
- Spore formation and emission.