What does «efluvio» mean in Spanish?
- Subtle emanation emanating from a body; emission of very small particles that are generally perceived as pleasant.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se percibían efluvios de agradable olor a menta".
"huelo los efluvios del vapor del eucalipto medicinal hirviendo".
- Emanation of vapor or particles given off by something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "efluvios de gas".
- An immaterial emanation or irradiation that is perceived coming from a thing or person. It can be beneficial or detrimental.
Examples of use in Spanish: "efluvios de simpatía".
"efluvios de ira".
"en la sociedad se perciben efluvios de optimismo tras el cambio de gobierno".
- Positive or negative irradiation emanating from the stars according to astrology. It lacks scientific support.
Examples of use in Spanish: "según el horóscopo, estás en medio de un ciclo positivo auspiciado por el efluvio de la Luna".
"habrá buen efluvio cósmico con Leo y Aries".
- Elect. Electrical discharge of weak luminescence that is produced in the vicinity of a conductor.
- (efluvio telógeno) Abnormal hair loss. It is usually diffuse and generally transitory.