What does «didelfo» mean in Spanish?
- / Subclass of mammals whose females have a pouch in which their young remain enclosed, such as the opossum and the kangaroo. Nowadays they are better known as marsupials.
- (útero didelfo) A congenital malformation in which the uterus has its cavity divided into two parts by a septum. Thus the uterus is present as a paired organ when embryogenetic fusion of the Müllerian ducts does not occur. As a result, there is a double uterus with two separate cervixes and possibly a double vagina as well. Each uterus has a single uterine horn attached to the ipsilateral fallopian tube that faces its ovary. Most nonhuman mammals do not have a single uterus without horn separation. Marsupials and rodents have a double uterus (duplex uterus). In other animals (e.g., nematodes), the term "didelic" refers to a double genital tract, as opposed to monodelic, with a single tract.