What does «conticinio» mean in Spanish?
- Time of night when everything is silent and quiet. The period of the night when animals stop making noise.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Ya casi había pasado el “conticinio”, y la noche iba a su mitad, siendo ya presa del sopor los miembros fatigados de las diurnas tareas", Ómnibus de poesía mexicana, Gabriel Zaid - 1934.
"el ronquido de los motores conmueve el silencio de la ciudad en el conticinio", Viaje en avión por Europa, Cháves Nogales.
- The particular period of the night that follows the appearance of the stars at vespers and before intempestum ("midnight"). According to this classification by St. Isidore of Seville, the night is divided into seven parts: vesper, crepusculum, conticinium, intempestum, gallicinium, matutinum and diluculum.
- Name of a well-known Venezuelan waltz, with music composed by Laudelino Mejías in Trujillo in 1922 and lyrics written by Egisto Delgado. It is usually interpreted in its instrumental version. Excerpt from the lyrics of this song where the word is mentioned: "The silence has arrived. everything is silence, my sweet love. come closer and do not be afraid of my affection, my dearest garment, my sweet love.