What does «consagrante» mean in Spanish?
- Consecrating to something or someone.
- In Religion, a priest or religious who sanctifies, sacralizes, blesses, divinizes and/or sacraments persons, places or things. By means of these actions, men are consecrated to God in order to destine them to his service, as well as inanimate places or instruments that serve for his worship. A place or an inanimate thing is holy and sacred after consecration and after that it can be destined to the worship of God. The consecrator employs specific prayers, ceremonies and rites based on The Bible for this purpose, and these must be public in order to inspire respect and remembrance of God's presence. According to Christian religions, all that is consecrated must be respected, no longer considered profane and should not be used in common uses, since it is now something destined for the worship of God.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El consagrante será el arzobispo de Santiago de Chile".
"En la ordenación de un obispo, se pide que haya al menos otros dos obispos consagrantes".
"El arzobispo fue consagrante principal en la ordenación episcopal del monseñor ese día".
"Fue ordenado obispo en la basílica siendo el consagrante principal monseñor Antonio Quarracino".
Ordenación episcopal de un obispo. El consagrante impone las manos en el obispo consagrado. Imagen: www.icergua.org
- Priest who performs transubstantiation during Mass. Strictly speaking, consecration is specifically the action by which a priest celebrates the holy sacrifice of the Mass and changes or converts the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Hoy el consagrante en la misa será el sacerdote invitado".
- A person who makes something or someone acquire fame, recognition or validity.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Esta novela fue la consagrante en su carrera". En el sentido de que la novela llevó a la fama al escritor.
"Sería su pasión por la actuación escénica lo que llevaría a la actriz al triunfo consagrante en la televisión, el teatro y el cine".
"Fue su actuación consagrante como boxeador de renombre mundial".