What does «colegiatura» mean in Spanish?
- Scholarship or financial aid.
- A quota or place in a school.
- Pension paid by the boarding student in a school.
- Money charged to students by an institution of higher education.
Examples of use in Spanish: "en la tecnológica universitaria me cobran una colegiatura".
- A fee paid to a professional association for membership.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el abogado paga de manera mensual la colegiatura al Colegio de Abogados".
- Principle of operation of the ordinary magistracies of ancient Rome (all except the Dictator) by which they had to be performed by an even number of magistrates of equal powers. There had to be at least two, which obliged these magistrates to act collegially and with agreements, since they could veto each other. Thus there were two consuls, two censors, two to fourteen praetors, two aediles, two to twenty-four quaestors and two to eight tribunes of the plebs. Also called collegiality.