What does «chasquido» mean in Spanish?
- Noise of the whip when shaking violently, the sling when cracking or the tongue when moving.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el chasquido de su látigo ahuyentó a la bestia".
"un chasquido consonántico o clic es un tipo de sonido consonántico usado en algunas lenguas".
- Sudden, sharp noise produced by an object when it is opened or broken, especially if it is made of wood.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se oyó el chasquido de la madera quebrándose".
- Noise of machine gun fire.
- Noise produced by rubbing the fingertips of the hand rapidly.
Examples of use in Spanish: "usando chasquidos de la mano llamó a su perro".
- Guitar snap, also called guitar snapping. Sound that can be produced by striking the strings of a guitar, widely used in certain rhythms.
- Pericardial snap or thump. Pericardial constriction heard shortly before the classic third heart sound. Its sound frequency is slightly higher, making it possible to hear it throughout the precordium with the aid of the diaphragm and bell of the stethoscope. Common causes of pericardial constriction include previous cardiac intervention and uremic pericarditis.