What does «charapa» mean in Spanish?
- Amazonian turtle, herbivorous. It is usually found in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. Adult females weigh up to 60 kg (some bibliographies indicate up to 100 kg) and are 70 to 100 cm long. Males are up to half this size. It is the largest river turtle in South America. Prized for their meat and eggs, they are edible. It is also used as a pet.
♦ Used in: Ecuador - Peru
Examples of use in Spanish: "el comercio ilegal es una amenaza para las tortugas charapa y terecay".
- Common name for another turtle, smaller, weighing up to 4.5 kg. It lives in the rivers of the Amazon. It feeds on plants, fish and small invertebrates. It is an endangered species. Scientific name: Podocnemis unifilis.
- Common name for the turtle Mesoclemmys raniceps, weighing up to 2 kg.
- Inhabitants of the Peruvian Amazon or related to that area of eastern Peru.