What does «centelleante» mean in Spanish?
- Sparkling, flashing, flashing rapidly and vividly intermittently. That shines or gleams to the eye. It is also used figuratively for something or someone that stands out very much.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Sus ojos se percibían centelleantes de alegría".
"El río se hallaba centelleante frente a la Luna llena".
"El astro se destaca en la noche por su centelleante figura".
"Estos maquillajes están elaborados con partículas perladas para dar un sutil toque centelleante".
"El presidente fue la figura centelleante de la noche".
- Scintillating synchisis or cholesterolosis bulbi. An occult condition consisting in the presence of floating opacities within the vitreous humor of the eye, products of cholesterol crystals. They are visualized using an ophthalmoscope and are usually deposited in the lower part of the eye when the body is at rest.