What does «castizo» mean in Spanish?
- A person or thing that represents well the characters of its race, country, city, etc.; typical, genuine, pure, folkloric.
Examples of use in Spanish: "español castizo"; "bailes castizos"; "comida castiza"; "tradición castiza"; "costumbre castiza".
- The pure language, without incorporating strange voices or foreign words, and the writer who uses it; pure, correct.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estilo castizo"; "autor castizo"; "vocabulario castizo".
- Of good caste, of noble lineage, of good origin, without defects.
Examples of use in Spanish: "familia castiza".
- It is applied to a graceful and easy-going person.
Examples of use in Spanish: "personaje auténticamente castizo".
- Very prolific.
- Son of a mestizo and a Spaniard or of a Spaniard and a mestiza; cuarterón.
♦ Used in: Mexico - Rooster or hen mixture of English and indigenous.
♦ Used in: Cuba - Puerto Rico - Said of someone capable of fathering many children.
♦ Used in: Paraguay - Very fertile animal.
- History. Name given to a caste that was part of the colonial caste system, which was established by the Spanish Empire in the American colonies from the sixteenth century. The castiza caste was defined by the crossbreeding of individuals belonging to the mestizo caste with the white race. The mixture of Spanish with mestizo produced a castizo, castizo cuatralbo or mestizo cuarterón. Castizo with Spanish produced a Spaniard. From castizo with mestizo a harnizo. The social situation of the castizo caste was superior to that of the indigenous race and the mestizo caste, although it was below that of the white race.