What does «burí» mean in Spanish?
- Palm grown in the Philippines, southeastern India and Sri Lanka, tall trunk, one of the largest palms in the world that can reach up to 25 m, with stems up to 1.3 m in diameter From the pith of its trunk is obtained the sago; from the leaves, a textile filament and from the spathes of the flowers, the tuba. Historically, the leaves were used for writing. The petate is a mat made of burí palm leaves. They use it to lie on. From the burí they get wine and vinegar, and a honey that they cook and becomes hard, which they call chancaca.
- Textile filament obtained from this plant.
- Cow.
- (Burí) A township in the district of Jirondai in the Ngäbe-Buglé region, Republic of Panama. Population of about 4,129 inhabitants (2010).