What does «babucha» mean in Spanish?
- Slipper; light, thin-soled shoe, without heel. A type of footwear typical of the Muslim world.
- Women's shoes made of cloth with leather toe cap.
♦ Used in: Mexico - Slipper.
- Blouse, wide shirt without defined shapes.
♦ Used in: Dominican Republic - Loose-fitting bodice.
♦ Used in: Cuba - Comfortable type of pants, often used for sports. It is wider from the knees up and thinner at the calves.
♦ Used in: Argentina
Examples of use in Spanish: "iré a comprar una babucha para mis clases de gimnasio".
- A kind of cult or fictitious religion, invented by Mexican writers Juan José Arreola and José Luis Martínez in their childhood when they attended the Colegio Renacimiento in Ciudad Guzmán, specifically when they were doing an assignment for a play about the Conquest of Mexico. In this religion Martínez served as High Priest.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Juan José Arreola también rememoró los tiempos del culto a la Babucha en su Memoria y olvido. Vida de Juan José Arreola (1920-1947)".
"el culto Babucha se basaba en un pedazo de madera que simulaba un zapato: una babucha, y los niños eran los babuchos. Imaginaban que tenían secuestrados a otros niños para sacrificarlos como los aztecas. Hasta que los maestros les clausuraron el culto".
- (babuchas) Baggy underpants.
♦ Used in: Cuba - (a babucha; a babuchas) Piggyback, on the shoulders or back; way of carrying a child on the back.
♦ Used in: Argentina - Uruguay
Examples of use in Spanish: "llevaba a su niño a babucha".