What does «alquitranado» mean in Spanish?
- That is manufactured or contains tar.
- Canvas impregnated with tar.
- org. Action and effect of tarring.
- Tar coating of a surface.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Caminos de acceso alquitranados".
"Le pueblo lleva años reclamando que se complete el alquitranado de la única carretera que comunica a la ciudad".
- Tarred barrel. Barrel, barrel, pipe or vat used as a weapon for the defense of besieged squares. The barrel is impregnated with tar and, with this, it allows that, once ignited, the fire is maintained for more time.
- Tar paper. Paper treated to make it waterproof. It is used to line the inside of cardboard and wood boxes for export.
- Tarred yarn. Treated yarn that prevents decomposition and abrasion.