What does «afrecho» mean in Spanish?
- Bran, ground grain hulls of rice, wheat, corn and other grains and cereals. It is usually a by-product of brewing and other agricultural activities. Bran is used in the production of whole grain breads and as animal feed; formerly considered undesirable, nowadays, due to its contribution of nutrients and fiber, it is widely used in food.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el afrecho de arroz es empleado para alimentar equinos".
"el afrecho se utiliza también como pienso o alimento para cerdos".
"el afrecho de trigo es el producto final que queda después de refinar el grano de trigo".
- Sawdust, sawdust.
- Sexual excitement, sexual horniness.
♦ Used in: Argentina
Examples of use in Spanish: "tengo un afrecho terrible".
- (la culpa no es del chancho, sino del que le da el afrecho) A saying that emphasizes the responsibility of the one who allows a wrong to be done or an unjust situation to happen.
♦ Used in: Argentina
Examples of use in Spanish: "siempre estuviste para él en todos sus caprichitos... la culpa no es del chancho, sino del que le da el afrecho.. así que no te quejes ahora".