What does «abigeato» mean in Spanish?
- Theft or robbery of livestock or animals. Cattle rustling is a crime that consists of the improper theft of animals, especially cattle, for the purpose of marketing or slaughtering them. It includes the theft of products derived from these animals, such as skins, hair, etc. It is also called "cuatrerismo" (rustling). It tends to occur, although not necessarily, in rural areas; sometimes animals are stolen when they are being transported. Cattle rustling can occur with large livestock, which includes cattle, mules and horses, and small livestock, which are pigs, goats or sheep. The theft of bipeds, such as chickens, is not cattle rustling. Neither is the theft of fish.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Focalizarán en caminos rurales el trabajo policial para prevenir el abigeato".
"Se endurecen penas por el abigeato".
"Hubo dos detenidos por abigeato".