What does «zamarro» mean in Spanish?
- Zamarra, rustic garment, to protect from the cold. It covers the body up to the middle of the thighs. It is usually made of wool or soft, short hair.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Mas quiero recostarme a la sombra de una encina en el verano, y arroparme con un zamarro de dos pelos en el invierno de mi libertad", El Quijote, tomo 2, cap. 53.
- Lambskin.
Examples of use in Spanish: "pondré el zamarro encima del yugo para que no se mojen las correas".
- Slow, coarse and rustic man. Unrefined manners, brusque and lacking in cleanliness.
- A shrewd, cunning, rascally man who always says what he wants for his own convenience, pretending to make himself look good.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un verdadero zamarro".
- Unintelligent, foolish.
♦ Used in: Honduras - Large and full udder.
- Common name for the fish known as piscardo or foxino. Scientific name: Phoxinus phoxinus. It is of fresh water and small size (5 to 10 cm long).
♦ Used in: Spain
Examples of use in Spanish: "de niño iba a pescar zamarros".
- Gulf.
♦ Used in: Spain - (barba de zamarro) Very bushy and frizzy beard.
- (zamarros) A type of pants for horseback riding or other tasks, made of sheep, llama or alpaca wool. More recently in goat, cattle or horse leather, even synthetic leather. Among the aborigines, the type of zamarro, its color and design were imposed by status and social class.
♦ Used in: Colombia - Ecuador - Venezuela
Examples of use in Spanish: "El arriero usa zamarros y un zurriago".
"En la cultura cañari, una parte importante de la vestimenta es el zamarro; es exclusivo de los hombre que labra la tierra".