Sentences with 'manners'

Example sentences and phrases with the word manners and other words derived from it.

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« To this end, the middle class valued cleanliness, discipline, morality, hard work, education and good manners. »
« Class divisions were visible in the dress and manners of individuals, and each class dressed in different 'uniforms' - it was a time when the hat indicated income and class membership. »
« In the same year the Catholic church issued the doctrine of papal infallibility - the claim that the pope literally could not err in manners of faith and doctrine - and Bismarck feared that a future pope might one day command German Catholics not to obey the state. »
« They also performed the important tasks of cultivating good manners among their children and husbands and buying consumer goods, both of which proclaimed to neighbours and potential business partners that their families were educated, cultured and financially successful. »

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