What does «umbría» mean in Spanish?
- Part of land that is almost always shaded because it faces north (in the northern hemisphere) or south (in the southern hemisphere).
Examples of use in Spanish: "esta fachada de la casa queda en la umbría".
- Place little exposed to the sun.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la cara umbría del acantilado".
"la selva umbría".
"bajo la umbría de los árboles".
- Geog. Orographic shadow zones. These are the slopes of mountainous areas that are oriented away from the sun.
Examples of use in Spanish: "En la umbría la nieve permanece más tiempo que en la solana".
"En la umbría más húmeda se desarrolla el moho".
- (Umbría) Geog. Region of Italy of 8,456 km2 and 80,4054 inhabitants. Its capital is esgia.