What does «ufano» mean in Spanish?

  • One who boasts of himself or is proud of having something; arrogant, presumptuous, conceited.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "está muy ufano con su nuevo automóvil".

    "luego de haber goleado a su rival, salió de la cancha todo ufano".

  • Satisfied, joyful, happy.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "volvieron a casa muy ufanos tras haber terminado antes de lo previsto su trabajo".

  • That which proceeds with resolution and disengagement in the execution of some thing; resolved, decided.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "iba muy ufano a enfrentarse a su rival".

  • Said of a plant that is vigorous and lush; luxuriant.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "mis plantas están ufanas porque las fertilizo".
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