What does «tricótomo» mean in Spanish?
- In botany, a branch or stem that divides into three.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el tallo tricótomo de la planta".
- Divided into three parts.
- In philosophy, a method of logical classification in which the divisions and subdivisions have three parts.
- In Religion, religious teaching that man consists of three essential parts: body, soul and spirit (Greek: soma, psyche and pneuma, Latin: corpus, anima and spiritus). In this teaching the body is all that is physical and visible; the soul is reason, emotions, will, memories, personality and inclinations; while the spirit is the seat of being that relates to God. This concept derives from St. Paul, although it is considered an error by Catholic orthodoxy.
Examples of use in Spanish: "El hombre es considerado tricótomo, hecho en tres partes distinguibles y separables, cuerpo, alma y espíritu".