14 sentences with 'orthodoxy'

Example sentences and phrases with the word orthodoxy and other words derived from it.

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« The chef embraced orthodoxy to prepare traditional recipes for diners. »
« The activist challenged orthodoxy by promoting innovative social ideas. »
« The novelist explored orthodoxy in a captivating narrative about belief. »
« The professor discussed orthodoxy during the lecture on ancient traditions. »
« The museum celebrated orthodoxy through its collection of historic artifacts. »
« The popes who followed Paul III were similar in their approach to re-emphasising orthodoxy and creating institutions to combat heresy. »
« Tsar Nicholas I would go on to a long reign (r. 1825 - 1855) guided by the principles he defined for the Russian state: autocracy, orthodoxy and nationality. »
« The Catholic Reformation established Catholic orthodoxy and launched a massive, and largely successful, campaign to reassert the loyalty and enthusiasm of the Catholic laity. »
« The beginning of orthodoxy was in the second and third centuries, when a group of theologians held that there were three persons or states of the divine being, called the Holy Trinity. »
« Tsar Nicholas I declared his three principles of rule in 1832: autocracy, orthodoxy and nationality, the last of the three serving the idea of Russian supremacy over his huge empire (and the other ethnic groups present in it). »
« Finally, Diocletian tried to reinstate religious orthodoxy. He believed that too many people had turned away from the worship of the Roman gods, which in turn had led to the long period of crisis that preceded his inauguration. »
« Although he was never able to force all his subjects to conform to Christian orthodoxy (especially in rural regions far from the capital), Emperor Justinian launched a series of attacks and persecution campaigns against heretical sects. »
« While certainly clarifying the beliefs of the most powerful branch of the institutional church, as the Council of Nicea defined official orthodoxy, it guaranteed that there would always be those who would reject that orthodoxy in the name of a different theological interpretation. »
« This was a real and significant change from medieval forms of learning in the sense that the main purpose of education was no longer believed to be the clarification of religious matters or better intellectual support for religious orthodoxy; the aim of education was to create a more competent and complete person. »

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