What does «tal» mean in Spanish?
- Similar.
Examples of use in Spanish: "nunca se ha visto tal cinismo".
- Thus.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tal es su opinión".
- So big.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tal es su fuerza que todos le temen".
- This one, this one.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no me gusta hacer tal cosa".
- Qualifier applied to a person or thing of unknown or forgotten name.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Fulana de Tal; en la calle tal".
- Such a thing.
Examples of use in Spanish: "no dije tal".
- Some.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tal habrá que lo sienta así".
- Thus.
Examples of use in Spanish: "tal estaba de emocionado que no me vio".
- Thus.
Examples of use in Spanish: "cual el Sol ilumina la Tierra, tal ilumina las estrellas".
- (con tal de o que) Provided that; provided that.
- (¿Qué tal?) how are you; how's it going; what do you think?
- (tal cual) No change; regular, neither good nor bad; a few.
- (tal vez) Perhaps.