What does «sátrapa» mean in Spanish?
- In ancient Persia, governor of a province on behalf of the king. Including the Achaemenid dynasty and several of its heirs, such as the Sassanid Empire and the Hellenistic empires. The satrap was the highest ranking official who, supported by royal secretaries and inspectors, ruled territories called satrapies. The satrap had his own currency and seal, was in charge of the police and judicial surveillance of his area, of the vassals and the collection of taxes.
Examples of use in Spanish: "los sátrapas de la antigua Persia muchas veces abusaron de su poder, de ahí que esta palabra haya adquirido un cariz peyorativo".
- A person who rules despotically, arbitrarily or abusing his power to get what he wants.
Examples of use in Spanish: "se comporta como un sátrapa con sus subordinados".
- A person who lives in a lavish way, with much luxury and ostentation.
Examples of use in Spanish: "vive como un sátrapa desde que heredó los millones de su familia".
"el muy sátrapa vive como un rey".
- A cunning person who is very shrewd in the social sphere.
Examples of use in Spanish: "logra escalar posiciones siendo una sátrapa artera".