What does «salutación» mean in Spanish?

  • Expression of greeting. To greet.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "las salutaciones de Navidad".

    "recibió una afectuosa salutación de la primera ministra".

    "En marzo de 1939, a los pocos días de ser consagrado Papa, este envió una carta de salutación «Al ilustre Herr Adolf Hitler»".

  • Part of the sermon in which the Virgin Mary is greeted, according to the Catholic Church.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Hoy se realizará a las 23.30 horas la exposición del Santísimo Sacramento y Salutación a la Virgen de la Granada a media noche".

  • Angelic Salutation. Hail Mary prayer.
  • Angelic greeting. Salutation made by the archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary when the conception of Jesus Christ was announced to her. This forms the first part of the Hail Mary prayer.
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