What does «ridículo» mean in Spanish?
- Worthy of laughter or mockery.
Examples of use in Spanish: "decir cosas ridículas".
- Scanty, scanty or of low esteem.
Examples of use in Spanish: "una ganancia ridícula".
- Ridicule, ridiculous act, situation or saying.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Una vez que has caído en el rídículo es muy difícil salir".
- (hacer el ridículo) Conducting oneself in a manner that provokes laughter or ridicule.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡deja de hacer el ridículo por favor!".
- (en ridículo) That it has been exposed to the mockery or contempt of the people.
Examples of use in Spanish: "mi esposo con su chiste me puso en ridícula frente a todas mis amigas".