What does «pope» mean in Spanish?
- Priest of Eastern rite among Russians, Serbs and Bulgarians. It is the name given to Orthodox Christian priests. Unlike Catholic priests, neither celibacy nor chastity are required for Orthodox priests: these sanctions are reserved for monks. However, priests may not marry after ordination, and bishops are elected only from among monks. In Russia the term "pope" has fallen into disuse as being considered rude, Russian speakers prefer the politically correct term sviachtchenik (священнник: "priest"). In Romania the current church prefers the term preot ("priest") instead of popă (pope).
Examples of use in Spanish: "el pope ató sus manos con lazos en señal de su unión".
"Un pope, o sacerdote ortodoxo griego, bendiciendo las aguas".
"El día 22 de enero de 1905, una manifestación pacífica, encabezada por el pope ortodoxo Georgi Gapon, se dirigió hacia el palacio de Invierno, residencia de los zares durante los meses fríos, en San Petersburgo".

Popes. Fuente
- A very influential and powerful person in a given environment.
Examples of use in Spanish: "es un pope de las ciencias".
"no esperes que algún pope te guíe en el camino de la verdad, búscala tú mismo".
"su expulsión se debió a los popes de la ejecutiva".
- (popes) The ancient Romans gave the name of popes to the ministers who were in charge of leading the sacrificial animals before the altar and giving them the first axe. It was then finished off by the cultrarius. The salary of the popes was a portion of the sacrificed animal.