What does «pontifical» mean in Spanish?
- Pertaining to or pertaining to the supreme pontiff (the pope).
Examples of use in Spanish: "ornamentos pontificales".
"silla pontifical".
"sello pontifical".
- Pertaining to or pertaining to a pontiff: bishop or archbishop.
- Ritual of the Pope.
- A set of ornaments used by the bishop in the celebration of divine offices.
- Book that contains the pontifical ceremonies and episcopal functions. All the episcopal functions are prescribed therein: it is the ritual of the pope and the bishops.
- Income from ecclesiastical tithes that corresponded to each parish.
- (de pontifica) Who wears ceremonial or formal attire.
Examples of use in Spanish: "estar de pontifical"; "ponerse de pontifical".
- (Bendición pontifical) Blessing given by the bishop in liturgical ceremonies.