What does «plumífero» mean in Spanish?

  • Having feathers.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "El plumífero animal se posaba en una rama".

    "En ese momento un plumífero grisáceo se posó en la ventana de la habitación".

  • Feathered animal.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "Es un pequeño plumífero no volador".

  • Scribe, pencil pusher.

    Examples of use in Spanish: "¿Cualquier plumífero escribe hoy día el discurso a un político? Debió tener más cuidado en quién delegaba tan importante tarea".

  • A person who writes for a living.
  • Oops. Effeminate-looking man.

    ♦ Used in: Argentina
  • A quilted sports outerwear garment filled with bird feathers (or other quilted material), usually waterproofed. It has zippers and sometimes drawstrings at the hems of the cuffs, waist and edge of the hood to adjust the garment to the body and prevent the passage of wind.

    ♦ Used in: Spain

    Examples of use in Spanish: "La chaqueta de plumas, o plumífero, es la más efectiva para combatir el frío".
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