What does «parear» mean in Spanish?
- To put two equal things together; to consider one thing similar to another; to equalize, compare, compare.
- To put things two by two to form pairs; to pair, to match.
- In bullfighting, banderillear.
- In biology, to mate two individuals.
- Not to vote a certain number of representatives of a party to equalize with an equal number of representatives of the rival party or faction who are absent for some reason. This is done by prior agreement or by honor.
♦ Used in: Chile
Examples of use in Spanish: "Luego de que el proyecto de ley sobre el subsidio al Transantiago se aprobara por un solo voto, los diputados de la bancada independiente Jaime Mulet y Pedro Araya, manifestaron su descontento por la falta de voluntad para darle pareo a su par Eduardo Díaz, quien se encuentra en Estados Unidos por motivos personales", Emol.com