What does «par» mean in Spanish?
- Equal, similar in everything.
- Exactly divisible by two.
Examples of use in Spanish: "seis es un número par".
- Applied to the organ that corresponds symmetrically to an equal one.
- Set of two persons or things of the same kind.
Examples of use in Spanish: "un par de zapatos".
- Object composed of two identical pieces.
Examples of use in Spanish: "un par de tijeras".
- Title of high dignity in certain countries.
Examples of use in Spanish: "par de Francia de 1515 a 1848"; "Cámara de los pares en Inglaterra".
- Each of the oblique timbers forming an armor knife.
- A set of two heterogeneous elements that produce an electric current.
- Set of two equal, parallel and opposite forces.
- Equal exchange rate between two countries.