What does «opercular» mean in Spanish?
- Serving as an operculum or related to it. The operculum is a piece that serves as a lid to close certain natural openings, such as the gills of most fishes, the shells of many univalve mollusks, or the capsules of some fruits or mosses. Teleost fishes have an opercular suction pump that allows them to breathe through the expansion and contraction of their opercular cavities.
Examples of use in Spanish: "apertura opercular".
"membrana opercular".
- Operculum.
Examples of use in Spanish: "la valva de las conchas funciona como un opercular".
"algunas celdas del panal de abejas no tienen opercular".
- (síndrome opercular) A congenital neurological disease that presents with oromandibular motility dysfunction, variable intellectual disability and, occasionally, motor disorders and epilepsy. It is also known as perisylvian syndrome, bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria or Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome. It is characterized by hypotonia of the muscles of the face and tongue, with difficulties in language acquisition and communication.