What does «meollo» mean in Spanish?
- Brain, nerve mass of the skull capacity.
- Medulla, inner substance of bones.
Examples of use in Spanish: "Los científicos analizaron el ADN extraído del meollo del hueso".
- Substance, the main and essential of a thing. The most important thing about something.
Examples of use in Spanish: "el meollo de la cuestión".
"Veamos cuál es el meollo del asunto".
"Me gustaría ahondar en el meollo del problema".
- Understanding, judgment, intelligence.
Examples of use in Spanish: "¡pon el meollo a funcionar!".
"¡a ver si empleas el meollo antes de hablar!".
- Central crumb of the bread.
- To have no substance. col. that something has no substance.
- Heart of the tree. Also called the pith, heartwood, or heartwood.
- To rack one's brains. To rack one's brains.