7 sentences with 'brains'

Example sentences and phrases with the word brains and other words derived from it.

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« Through the multiple crossroads of their brains, human beings are definitely different from all other animals on Earth. »
« -Do you want me to go with you to an unknown place at this hour to have my brains blown out by a bullet? -Roberts protested angrily. »
« In 1886, Dr. Horsley operated on the brains of ten human beings. In doing so, he overturned the prejudices that existed against this type of surgical intervention. »
« For decades, researchers have been wracking their brains to find out what was so special about the brains of illustrious, intelligent people that made them the way they were. »
« Moths are not intelligent: their brains are of such basic simplicity that they rule out any possibility of learning. Their "wise" behaviours are pure blind obedience to a hereditary programme. »
« The first research path taken was that of brain size: given the incredible mental capacity of certain famous people, it was logical to think that the answer lay in a larger-than-normal grey mass. However, the scales turned out to be negative. While Einstein gave birth to the theory of relativity with an absolutely normal brain, brilliant writers such as Anatole France or Walt Whitman possessed brains of smaller than average size. »
« "Then, everyone answers at the same time with a loud voice, and after they have all spoken to thank him, he tells them about the vision he had drunk with the cohoba that he took through his nose and went up to his head; he says he has spoken with the cemíes, and that the Indians will achieve victory.... Judge how they have their brains, for they say that they have seen the houses with their foundations upwards, and that the Indians walk with their feet looking at the sky." »

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